Here are some of Mimi’s Quick and Easy recipes – enjoy!

Here are some of my quick and easy recipes using our lean natural grass-fed beef. My “golden rule” when it comes to cooking is 5 ingredients / 5 minutes! If I don’t always get that close, I try to find succulent recipes with a short ingredients list that don’t take a lot of time. Feel free to print and use them.

As to how you cook lean, grass-fed beef, it’s not much different from other meats, other than you do not want to over-cook it. Steaks should ideally be medium or even better medium-rare. Cook your ground-beef until done but not longer. Roasts are wonderful in the slow-cooker.

Round Steaks with Gorgonzola Butter

Who would have thought Eye of the Round Steaks could be that delicious?? A quick lime marinade, mix the gorgonzola or any blue cheese with butter, and you have a pretty fancy steak coming up! Try not to over-cook them as they are extremely lean (read no fat at all)…

Brisket for a Crowd

Nothing easier and more popular to prepare for a crowd any time of the year!  This is as easy as preparing a roast Mimi’s way.  There are also many other good recipes out there for brisket, but this beats all for quick ‘n easy!

Juicy Hamburgers

Although you can safely eat our hamburger meat raw, we prefer our hamburgers cooked through but not over-cooked.  It’s a matter of personal taste. I would never eat raw hamburger in a restaurant when you have no idea where the meat is coming from, or what exactly is in it!

Steaks, any steaks on the grill

Steaks are best on the grill, no doubt about it. You can of course also prepare them in a skillet, which is absolutely fine too. This recipe assumes a grill. In our household, Tom is the “head griller” and does a consistently wonderful job grilling our steaks and hamburgers to perfection!

Meatballs to die for!

These are not Swedish meatballs, (I’m from Sweden, I know….). They are large meatballs a la America!  They are very juicy and succulent, kids and grown-ups will all love them!

Colorful Beef Kebab – Shish Kebabs!

These are very colorful and tasty Beef Kebabs that are so easy to make, and fun to grill! You can add anything you want that will stay on a stick, so these are mere suggestions. One customer told me they were so tender and delicious she uses them as steaks!!

One Dish Pot Roast – cubed

This family or company dish you throw together in the morning, and when you come home you have a whole dinner done and ready to serve! Image coming soon… if I can only remember to take a picture when I cook something…

Green Chile Stew

A heart and body warming All New Mexican Green Chile Stew for those cold days of fall and winter! Of course, nothing says you can’t enjoy this yummy stew year round…
OK, so this is a little more than 5 ingredients, I admit, but it’s one of those that’s well worth it, and still quick and easy.

Steak Tartar a la Saint-Tropez (mais oui, bien sûr)

Never ate raw meat?  The mere thought turns your belly inside out?  Well, this my very special recipe is from Plage Moorea at Saint-Tropez in Provence in southern France where I worked two summers in the 70’s.  I’ve tried variations of Steak Tartar, but none can hold a candle to this one.  I’ve served it to people who gave me the “look” at first, then asked for seconds. Be brave, try this on a hot summer day!  Serve with french bread (break it, don’t slice it, bon dieu…!), a salade niçoise* and a chilled bottle of rosé, just my suggestion…

* Salade niçoise consist of tomatoes, tuna, hard-boiled eggs, Niçoise olives (or greek), and anchovies, dressed with a vinaigrette.

Super Easy Sunday Roast

It just doesn’t get any easier than this!  The night before, you take the still frozen roast from the freezer and put it in your slow-cooker. (If you don’t have a slow cooker yet, I highly recommend getting one, they make cooking such a breeze…). Add your seasonings, cover (almost) with liquid (water, beef broth, some wine), set on “LOW”, and the next evening it’s ready and so tender it will fall apart!

Liver – Yes, really!

So many people say they don’t like liver. Well yes, if all they’ve had is grocery store bought liver, yuck. Whatever the animal has ingested in its life is stored in the liver. Need I say more…?  Our sliced tender liver from our 100% grass-fed all natural beef, has none of that yucky liver smell, and cooked right, (not to consistency of cardboard…) is so delicious. Besides, it is packed with nutrients such as iron, protein, vitamin A, B 12, copper. Try this recipe and you may be surprised! I like to serve liver with glazed onions, homemade mashed potatoes and cream gravy. If you can find it, Swedish Lingonberries goes so well with this and I think you can find jars at Albertsons’ among others.

Meatloaf for the Soul

Who doesn’t like meatloaf?  And while you’re at it, make a couple and freeze one to have on hand. There are so many good recipes out there for meatloaf made a 100 different ways, so this is only one, a simple recipe with ingredients you’ll have in your cupboard…