Brisket For a Crowd

Nothing easier and more popular to prepare for a crowd any time of the year! This is as easy as preparing a roast Mimi's way. There are also many other good recipes out there for brisket, but this beats all for quick 'n easy!
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 hours
Total Time 5 hours 5 minutes
Servings 6 people, depends on size of your brisket...


  • 1/2 JX Ranch brisket keep in mind your brisket will shrink while cooking
  • 1 cup Claude's Brisket Marinade
  • 1 pinch salt, pepper, garlic salt you can add other seasonings you like
  • 1/2 cup red wine optional


  • Thaw frozen brisket in fridge over-night
  • Place in deep pan lined with heavy duty foil with extra to fold and cover brisket
  • Mix all other ingredients and pour over brisket inside foil. Fold over foil to seal well. Let sit and marinate in fridge 12 - 24 hours.
  • Five to 12 hours before serving, take out brisket and pour out some of the marinade but leave most of it inside foil. I'd like to see 1/2 of the brisket sitting in the marinade. Fold over and cover the brisket very well.
  • Put brisket in a 250 - 275 warm oven on bottom shelf (be sure you hear a light sizzling sound so you know the meat is cooking but slow).
  • Optional: When you take the brisket out, I like to open the foil, spread a little BBQ sauce over the brisket and stick it back in the oven, second shelf from top, under the broiler just to brown the top a little.
  • Let the brisket sit and rest 10 - 15 minutes, then slice against the grain. Serve with potato salad, and something green.


Mimi's Tip: Left over brisket makes for wonderful sandwiches. Just shred and put back in the juice and keep in the fridge, or freeze.